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What is Marine Collagen

Collagen, essential to the human body

It is a protein found in different parts of the body such as skin, cartilage, tendons, ligaments, bones, etc..
This protein is essential because its function is to ensure the cohesion, elasticity and regeneration of these tissues.It can be compared to a natural glue to the human body, since the term "collagen" which means "glue producer" has its origin in the Greek word "Kolla" meaning "glue".
With age, the body produces less and accumulated capital decreases, which affects one joint wear or loss of elasticity of the skin, for example.
Indeed, 25 years from production slows down, it then begins to decline after age 40 and at age 60, 35% of the collagen fibers are lost. In addition, there are other aggravating factors such as smoking, alcohol and coffee, stress, physical training high-level pollution and sometimes even certain medications.
To fill this gap and to overcome the problems associated with natural aging, the solution is to absorb. But our modern diet is extremely low in collagen, since we eat very little meat offal, including the legs and tail calves. Collagens replacements therefore become necessary to our body.


Collagens replacement

There may have different origins: synthetic, vegetable, beef and sea. In fact, scientists have been able to extract collagen from other species and make it assimilable by the human body.
The last is discovered collagen marine that it comes from the skin, bones and fish scales. It replaces the original bovine in cosmetics and dietary supplements.
In fact, before the discovery of mad cow crisis, the collagen of animal origin, derived from cattle and poultry, was widely used. Since then, it has been proved that the structure was too far removed from that of human beings, and it was thus difficult to assimilate by the human body.
In contrast, marine collagen has a structure lighter than human collagen, which allows a better action and better assimilation of the latter.

Chinese Medicine

The benefits of eating natural collagen recognized by Chinese medicine, and also recommended by St. Hildegard of Bingen in the twelfth century to treat and relieve joint problems.
He was well advised to consume animal cartilage and veal.



Marine Collagen helps to overcome the decreased production of natural collagen in the body. It is mainly used in two areas: cosmetics and the treatment of osteoarthritis and inflammatory diseases.On the skin
Firstly its skin benefits are numerous. It provides a moisturizing effect because the collagen helps retain water in the skin, and an immediate tightening effect through the creation of a film on the skin when sèche.femme to beautiful skin
Visible consequences of marine collagen in the skin are better hydration, reducing the surface of the depth of wrinkles and a greater flexibility of the epidermis. Add to this the fact that it also accelerates the healing of the skin during surgery or burns for example.On joints


Marine Collagen is also the diseases related to aging. In the case of a degeneration of cartilage and joints, it contributes to pain relief and the slow development of the disease.
In fact, it helps to lubricate the joints to increase their flexibility and strength. For older women, marine collagen participate in the improvement of osteoporosis by increasing bone density.


Marine Collagen can be used as a topical cream for cosmetic purposes, or in capsules as dietary supplements.
For a significant effect on the body, it is recommended taking supplements over a period of at least three months. Marine collagen contains amino acids, and not to hinder assimilation, it is better to take supplements without food.
The recommended dose if taken for arthritis or rheumatism is 2.5 g per day.

Caution purchase

At first it is important to note that marine collagen should not be used by people with an allergy to seafood
In addition, it is essential to ascertain the source of collagen, it is necessary that it comes from many fish and not cattle. French law prohibits the food industry to use the bones of cattle, but each country has its own legislation. It is therefore important to check before buying collagen, especially on the internet.


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